About Us

BILLIONAIRE CREATORS’ ACADEMY is an international business development organization setup to help raise enterprising individuals from poverty line to the millionaire status, thereby helping them to live their dreams. We are a team of financial consultants from across the globe with the sole aim of raising individuals who are financially independent in this harsh economy, through our system of private and public partnership for revenue generation.  We serve you down to the grassroots, making your growth our core priority, mentally, socially, physically, financially and otherwise.


To raise financially independent people, who would use their wealth to affect the world positively.


To raise wealthy emancipators.

To raise common people above poverty line to the millionaire status, thereby helping them to live their dreams.

Why Choose Us

•We offer practical life coaching; making our partners prepared and ever ready for their lives’  endeavors.

•We have a formidable working and duplicable system for wealth creation.

•We offer our partners opportunity to create life-lasting legacies.

•There is room for self-actualization through capacity building.

•We also offer you the opportunity to design your own economy, creating wealth and self-industrialization.

•We create awareness and enlightenment on times and seasons, and prepare our partners to position themselves to maximize each.

•We embark on a grassroots-digital transformation.

•We offer rooms for leadership building and development.

•We offer lofty avenues for revenues through our partnership and business model.

•We create dream actualization programs for our partners.

•We also create rooms for social integration across boards.

•We also create opportunities for human resource development.

•We offer entrepreneurial coaching and empowerment programs.

•We offer amazing opportunities for philanthropist, an avenue to give back to the society.

•We also embark on National development projects.

•There are also rooms for direct life skills mentorship.

Brief History

“We must be the change we hope to see in the world”. The drive that birthed this mandate came from an insatiable desire for change.

The degeneration in our societies, rules of negligence in our leadership systems, disorderliness in our organizational structures, and 21st century systematic illiteracy has left our present world in dilemma and a state of utmost pandemonium, pushing towards a catastrophic catalysis if there be no serious and immediate paradigm shift.

The attention would be to redirect the cause of our status quo (i.e. current and normal phenomena) and order things aright.

Hence, the President of the BILLIONAIRE CREATORS’ ACADEMY, Rev. Arc. Edidiong Sampson, a man of in-depth spirituality and devotion, took it upon himself to fast and pray for the total miraculous change in the cause of things. However, the answer to his devotions didn’t come as he expected; instead, he got an instruction to be the change agent.

Every change must begin with a man. Yet, no one person can change the world, but everyone can and should contribute his own quota to make the world a better plan for his neighbours, the world (i.e. people) around him.

He got an instruction to raise Wealthy Emancipators, a team of men and women who would use their wealth to affect the world positively, salvage the situations of the needy, and creating a more conducive and cohabit-able world.

However, everyone who must align to this mission must also be financially independent. Meaning that the foremost challenge becomes: ‘HOW TO CREATE OR RAISE A WEALTHY & FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT PEOPLE’, who would be empowered with this mandate divinely bestowed.

This instruction came to him on July 10, 2019. In continuous sought for directions, the preceding day, 11th of July same year, he was instructed by God to be ready to study and work hard, as he was going to be given a mega assignment in the area of  business and economy. He was further informed that he would be introduced to a gold mine where everyone who chooses to follow the same course with diligence can become super wealthy in a minimal stipulated time frame.

With excitement he was eye-popping expecting the big picture. Not long afterwards, an invitation was sent from a delightful friend and course mate for a get together scheduled for Sunday, the 13th of July 2019. He gladly accepted the invitation and was there for himself. At the get together, he was introduced to a systematic module of income streams: Multi-Level Marketing. This was not actually his first time with same opportunity, but this time was divinely orchestrated.

It was so awesome seeing such an amazing module of generating leverage, passive income from one time enrollment to one’s day to day lifestyle package. To him it was a HEALTH-IS-WEALTH configuration. With no discrimination, no barriers, with unlimited income potentials and full of numerous opportunities to live one’s dreams and impact positively on thousands of lives if not millions.

Wow! It was an icing on the cake for him. Others who were present at the party didn’t see it that way; but for him, it was the eureka moment for the great assignment ahead. So he jumped in immediately. The journey was not quite easy, it was and has been full of adventures and learning experiences for him, which kept revealing and unveiling more of the divine mandate on him.

On the 13th of July 2021, the BILLIONAIRE CREATORS’ ACADEMY was initiated by Rev. Arc. Edidiong Sampson.  He shared the vision with a few folks and showed them the big picture, and moves were made to get her registered with the necessary authorities. On the 8th of October 2021, the registration process was completed and the body was given an endorsement certificate by the Corperate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, as a registered company in Nigeria and bounded by the law of the federation.

On this note, our company anniversary stands on the 13th of July; the same exact date the CEO  said “Yes” to start a career with Multi-Level Marketing Industry. However the company is two years younger.

The Billionaire Creators’ Academy is yet a promising child, full of energy, dreams, aspirations and hope.

From The President’s Desk

“Together we can change the world. I believe we can achieve great things together. We can create more jobs and work opportunities for our youths. We can build more standard yet affordable schools for the children of the world. We can house more destitute and accommodate the less privileged, orphans and the aged. We can build more hospitals and healthcare facilities, to reduce mortality rate and save more lives. We can bridge ethnic gaps and religious barriers. We can defend the oppressed, cop crimes; create a calm, peaceable and more conducive living environment for many.”

Indeed the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. So I do not assume that this is achievable over night; yet we have to start from somewhere. If I do whatever I can do at each moment, to make the world around me a better and habitable place; and you do same, even to your immediate environment; together our quota could go a long way to solve more problems than we could ever imagine possible.

 At your capacity, and at my level, let’s ask ourselves; ‘What can I do to better another person’? It starts from there. You may not start with sending foreign aids, and I may not begin with building free academic institutions. From our little efforts comes the capacity for greater works.

  • Can you pick a child off the street and pay a tuition?
  • How many books can you supply to pupils or students and school libraries?
  • Can you facilitate or sponsor a campaign for female education, and or female hygiene in some places, as the case may be?
  • Can you raise a voice or movement against child abuse, gender violence, game violence or juvenile delinquency?
  • How can you support antenatal programs,  pregnant women, nursing mothers, children with disabilities or special cases hospital patients?
  • How can you assist in hospital bills or lift some burden off the incapable sick folks?
  • What skill development projects or programs can you initiate, sponsor or support?
  • Can you donate a portable drinking water source to a community?

The list of questions of what you and I can do together for mankind is unending. Let’s just start somewhere.

The government have done their part; they can’t do it all. Many NGOs have done their part; but still cannot do it all. Many religious organisations and bodies have done their part; but they too cannot do it all. Private institutions have also contributed their own quota; but they cannot do it all. Some notable and anonymous individuals have also done a lot in their part; yet they cannot do it all.

It is high time you and I teamed up together to contribute our own quota in changing the world for the best. Of course, we would also not do it all NOW; but together we can achieve a lot, and do great things. With time, and with a great number of us running with the same vision, pursuing the same mission of emancipating humanity, we can achieve it. Together, we can heal the world. Together, we can do it all. And together,  we will change the world.

To facilitate this, we in the BILLIONAIRE CREATORS’ ACADEMY, have set up systems, structures and programs to raise an average person beyond the poverty line to the millionaire status, thereby helping them to live their dream lifestyles. And together with our affluence and influence, we can become solutions to the problems in the world around us.

Join the chariot today. Let us create TRUE WEALTH together, and go emancipate the world together.




Business Consultancy/Financial Education

Most businesses fail because of lack of mentorship and business consultancy programs to guide the business man or woman to know how to navigate his business terrains properly. So we offer such consultancy programs generally, through our BILLIONAIRES ACADEMY and privates on demands or as need arises. 

Moreover, life centres greatly around finance, yet little effort is put by institutions to educate the masses on financial education. Hence poor financial literacy has left a great majority with less mental and financial acuity and management. Therefore we see need to embark on such financial literacy and wealth creation principles awareness.


Leadership Training & Development Programs

“Everything rises and falls on Leadership” – John C. Maxwell. Leadership training and development is the major hold and structural component of any successful business or organisation. However, this is one of the most neglected and ignored area in our society and institutions as well. So half baked, novice managers and staff or workers are pushed into the systems with poor leadership know-how and skillfulness, causing chaos and unstable organisational administration. This is why we are giving special attention to this area in our institution.


Life Coaching & Mentoring 

Life is so complicated to be lived casually. Family, education, relationships &marriage, business, religion, vocations &careers, aspirations and ambitions, health, culture, norms & etiquette etc. all make up life itself. And every smart person would understand the need to be guided aright in every step and decision or actions he is taking in life. Our decisions and actions in life can either make or marr, elevate or demote, build or destroy, promote or abase. Hence life mentoring and coaching is something we wouldn’t neglect to give a special attention.


Healthcare Services 

Health is wealth. Yet a lot of person have not given special attention to their health. Eating whatever pleases, staying at whichever environment and giving any kind of self-medication is not appropriate to life. Knowledge is paramount in taking care of one’s self. Also, a lot of illness can be avoided if one knows what to avoid and what to do in time. So we also give our partners the special health care training programs, examining and diagnosis,  recommendations and therapy for good health. We also believe in public health and work to enhance same.


Community Services 

We believe in the philosophy of ‘Live and let’s live’. We can’t negate the fact that we live in a society full of so much pains and struggles. So we believe in reaching out to the unreached and giving back to the society through social services. Such services include; feed the family project, scholarship schemes, medical checkup and Medicare for the public, portable water supply, etc. We believe that a little drop of water can give life to a dying plant, and a spot of light can illuminate a life.


Students Entrepreneurial Schemes  

It is obvious that technology has made the industrial economy obsolete. The high demand that was placed on certification is now obverse. It is now the certified who are killing and dying for years to get an opportunity to pick crumps that fall from the table of the employers or bosses (i.e. salary). Hence we have devised a means to prepare, propose and present wealth creation and entrepreneurial development projects into the school system (and curriculum), to help the pupils and students to become more financially literate and equipped with the necessary leadership, financial and life’s skills to create wealth for themselves within and after school; and not to wait and join the queue of millions of applicants seeking for jobs offers years after graduation, which is not sure to come by.

This also would help the students to focus on knowledge and understanding their course of study and becoming resourceful in their discipline, rather than thinking of how to go to school in order to get a good paying job to make a living. This erroneous ideology has to be corrected.


Social Entrepreneurship (MLM) 

One of the core business model we have chosen to embark on as a platform for our partner to raise cash flow is the Multi-Level Marketing. This is not a perfect business model, yet a better and preferred model. This is a business model that allows everyone to succeed and grow to reach their fullest potential. It doesn’t discriminate: no colour bias, no gender riot, doesn’t require any special or formal education qualification or attainment (meaning a total illiterate can do and succeed), no ethnic or religious barriers, no age bracket or limit. This model allows anyone to get started with minimal entry fee yet has opportunity to enjoy unlimited income potentials. It has a lifetime earning potential, which is also transferable to family members or preceding generations after them. It comes with a lot of task benefits and travel opportunities. It is one of the few business model where the entrepreneur can earn passive income from thousands of persons by a leverage system. This model embodies health freedom, time freedom and financial freedom, and one can achieve all within a stipulated timeframe. It is the one business model that permits, encourages and enforces capacity building and lifes’ skill development. This business model gives her partner the opportunity to touch multiples of lives directly and indirectly. It gives the businessman their desired lifestyle within few years of  direct mentorship. They have solid and unwavering support atructure and systems to help whoever wishes to succeed. And numerous more benefits and undue advantages attached. And we have an amazing partner in this industry, THE EMPOWERED CONSUMERISM. We believe it the business model for all.


Why Choose Us?

Practical Life Coaching

We offer practical life coaching; making our partners prepared and ever ready for their lives’  endeavors.

Wealth Creation

We have a formidable working and duplicable system for wealth creation. 

Durable Legacy

We offer our partners opportunity to create life-lasting legacies.

Transformation System

We embark on a grassroots-digital transformation.

Reward System

We offer lofty opportunities for revenues through our partnership and business model.

Integration Modules

We also create rooms for social integration across boards.


We offer entrepreneurial coaching and empowerment programs.

National Recognition

We also embark on National development projects.

Capacity Building Programs

There is room for self-actualization through capacity building.

Self Oriented

We also offer you the opportunity to design your own economy, creating wealth and self-industrialization.

Action Steps:

We create awareness and enlightenment on times and seasons, and prepare our partners to position themselves to maximize each.

Leadership Role

We offer rooms for leadership building and development.

Result Oriented

We create dream actualization programs for our partners.

HR Programs

We also create opportunities for human resource development.

Philanthropist Scheme

We offer amazing opportunities for philanthropist, an avenue to give back to the society.

Mentorship Programs

There are also rooms for direct life skills mentorship.

Meet Our Team




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Arc. Marho

Arc. Marho

Yoga Trainer

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Mr. Phinehas

Mr. Phinehas

Yoga Trainer

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Ready to Make a Change?

BILLIONAIRE CREATORS’ ACADEMY is an international business development organization setup to help raise enterprising individuals from poverty line to the millionaire status, thereby helping them to live their dreams…

Our Partners